IIS(인터넷 정보 서비스) 모니터링

PAServerMonitor Documentation – IIServerMonitor Documentation – Monitoring Internet Information Services (IIS) www.poweradmin.com

Some recommendations for monitoring Internet Information Services (IIS) counters and services are listed below.IIS Service Monitoring

Service Name AppHostSvcWindows Process Activation Service*WASWorldWideWebPublishingServiceW3SVC

Service Name AppHostSvcWindows Process Activation Service*WASWorldWideWebPublishingServiceW3SVC

Object\CounterDefaultThreshold” “Memory\Pages/sec 0-20 Memory\” “AvailableBytes (10% Memory)\CommittedBytes (75% Memory)\Pool 페징이 ( .트한정 를값리 ) プロセ수은 \낼 プロセ 나타 . 수 \ッサー %작다 <니 L 75 メモリ % ” 2 長 Dis プロセ プロセ ” P · \ ” ” の キュー A한 メモリ \ッサー % dvk システム さicalッサッサーail있 ” -isD습Tag C タイムog \ 20모 \상승ject메비 Comm sableB <느이 メモリ

There is a performance counter for APP_POOL_WAS objects that can be monitored using IIS Application Full Monitoring Performance Monitor. Counter with specific definitions below, Current Application Pool State APP_POOL_WAS\Current Application Pool State, current state 1 – not initialized 2 – initialized 3 – running 4 – deactivated 6 – waiting for shutdown 7 – deletingChapter 10 – Learning Pre-Performance Tuning and Monitoring Versions Windows 2000 Server Technologies Pre-Windows 2000 Server Technologies FacebookEmail Chapter 10 – Performance Tuning and Monitoring 46 Minutes Read Monitoring and Performance Tuning is an integral part… learn.microsoft.comChapter 10 – Learning Pre-Performance Tuning and Monitoring Versions Windows 2000 Server Technologies Pre-Windows 2000 Server Technologies FacebookEmail Chapter 10 – Performance Tuning and Monitoring 46 Minutes Read Monitoring and Performance Tuning is an integral part… learn.microsoft.comFor IIS, what services should be monitored?In general, the monitoring process is critical for business-critical applications. Casual Sharepoint operations monitor application services. It’s normally working…please let me know.wordpress.comFor IIS, what services should be monitored?In general, the monitoring process is critical for business-critical applications. Casual Sharepoint operations monitor application services. It’s normally working…please let me know.wordpress.comFor IIS, what services should be monitored?In general, the monitoring process is critical for business-critical applications. Casual Sharepoint operations monitor application services. It’s normally working…please let me know.wordpress.com

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